The CAT creative 2022 Content Calendar Guide to Holidays and Observances

2022 Content Holidays

The CAT creative 2022 Content Calendar Guide to Holidays and Observances

For 2022 there are plenty of holiday and observances you can use for content inspiration. From social media posts to videos, blog articles to interview subjects, use these seasonal topics as a jumping off point to fuel great content. The timeliness of these topics makes them extra SEO-friendly.


Content Ideas for January 2022

New Year’s Resolutions: It’s a classic for the new year, but resolutions can translate well across a variety of industries, from fitness to home decor, health to business. 

Goal setting: We can all get behind some inspo and motivation so deep dive into ways your readers can live, work and play better in the new year, optimism abounds, make the most of it. 

Recap of 2021: There are so many ways to recap the year, from a personal company retrospect to a look back at the trends and highlights of the year in your industry.

Predictions for 2022 and Beyond: Have fun with these, no one is going to check back with you if you were wrong, besides could anyone have predicted in 2021 that we’d still be talking COVID non-stop in ‘22? 

Holidays and Observance Inspo for January 2022

January 4: National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay

January 10: Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay

January 15: National Hat Day #NationalHatDay

January 17: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Third Monday of January) #MLKDay

January 20: Cheese Lovers Day #CheeseLoversDay

January 24: National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay

January 28: Data Privacy Day #PrivacyAware


Content Ideas for February 2022

Baby, It’s Cold Outside: From foods to fashion, we’re nestling in for a month of low-temps and staying home, so advice on all things warm and cozy are appreciated. 

Gearing Up For Spring: Now is the time homeowners are planning out their landscaping and outdoor improvements. Vacations are being planned so we’re starting to think about losing that winter weight and we’re in general looking for advice and inspo to get us through to spring. 

Black History Month: This is a great time to give a shout out to African American historical figures in your industry, but also keep an eye to the future and spotlight African American leaders in your industry, employees and their stories or give a shout out to black-owned businesses that your audience will want to connect with.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for February 2022

February 1 – 28: Black History Month

February 1: Chinese New Year #ChineseNewYear

Year of the Tiger

February 2: Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay

February 4: World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay

February 9: National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay

February 13: Super Bowl LV (Varies each year based on the U.S. Football season) #SBLV #SuperBowlSunday #SuperBowl

February 14: Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay

February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay

February 20: Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay

February 21: Presidents Day (Third Monday of February) #PresidentsDay


Content Ideas for March 2022

Spring Cleaning: Spring is in the air, and we’re getting psyched to clean out and freshen up, from our looks to our homes to our computers. No matter what industry you live in, there’s plenty of fun, informative ways to offer advice and inspiration this time of year. Example: Foods to Spring Clean Your Health, Clean Up Your Finances, How to Spring Clean Your Investment Portfolio

Summer Planning: What info do your customers or clients need to make their summer stand out? Now is the time to get them thinking about warmer months and everything that they want to experience this summer. 

Holidays and Observance Inspo for March 2022

March 1: Mardi Gras #MardiGras

March 2: National Read Across America Day #ReadAcrossAmerica & #DrSeuss

March 3: World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay

March 4: National Employee Appreciation Day (First Friday of March) #EmployeeAppreciationDay

March 4: National Day of Unplugging (First Friday of March) #NationalDayOfUnplugging

March 6: National Dentist’s Day #DentistsDay

March 6-12 Women in Construction Week

March 7: National Cereal Day #NationalCerealDay

March 8: International Women’s Day #BeBoldForChange

March 11: Popcorn Lover’s Day #PopcornLoversDay

March 11 – World Plumbing Day

March 14: Pi Day

March 13: Daylight Savings #DaylightSavings

March 16: Purim

March 17: St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay

March 18: Holi

March 19: World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay

March 20: International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness

March 20: First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring

March 30: Doctor’s Day #NationalDoctorsDay

March 31: Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay


Content Ideas for April 2022

Spring Holidays: April is packed with major holidays across some of the most practiced religions and cultures. Offer recipes, decorating tips, gift advice and more that relates to your industry. 

How to De-Stress: April is National Stress Awareness Month and this is one universal challenge that we all could use some advice on (looking at you, COVID). Take a new perspective on the age-old advice through the lens of your industry. For instance, say you’re a dentist, you can talk about how to make cleaning visits less stressful or new inventions that make teeth cleaning a breeze.  

Holidays and Observance Inspo for April 2022

April 1: April Fools Day #AprilFools

April 2: World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD

April 3: Start of Ramadan

April 11: National Pet Day #NationalPetDay

April 15: National Tax Day #TaxDay

April 15: Passover

April 16: National Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay

April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day #PJDay

April 17: Easter Sunday

April 21: National Administrative Professionals Day #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay

April 22: Earth Day #EarthDay2022

April 23: Arbor Day #ArborDay

April 28: National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day #COUNTONME

April 30: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day #AdoptAShelterPetDay

April 30 – National Rebuilding Day


Content Ideas for May 2022

Fun in the sun: It’s summer and everyone is energized to begin making those sun-soaked memories. It’s also a time when consumers are looking to spend on items that fuel their fun, from summertime food to entertainment. Consider product listicles and guides to the best items to keep everyone happy this summer. With the season’s heat comes special health considerations from sun protection to insect repellent. We’ll all be spending more time being active and outdoors, how can you help make this the safest, best experience for your readers?

Holidays and Observance Inspo for May 2022

May 1: May Day #MayDay

May 1: International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay

May 2:  Eid al-Fitr

May 2 -6 Construction Safety Week

May 4: Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay & #Maythe4thBeWithYou

May 4 – National Skilled Trades Day

May 4: World Asthma Day #WorldAsthmaDay

May 5: Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo

May 6: National Nurses Day #NursesDay

May 9: Europe Day #EuropeDay

May 9: Mother’s Day #MothersDay

May 28: Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay

May 30: Memorial Day (Fourth Monday of May) #MemorialDay #MDW


Content Ideas for June 2022

Free Time is Fine: The summer means vacations and down-time which makes it a great time to offer new experiences and ideas to a receptive audience. Introduce new ideas and offer new insight. It’s a time to try out new concepts, dip your toe into the
deep end and see how your audience responds.

It’s All About the Outdoors: Working, playing, cooking, entertaining. In the summer months, we’re doing it
all al fresco. How can your brand make the most of this back-to-nature spirit?
It’s all about the outdoors:

Holidays and Observance Inspo for June 2022

June 4: National Donut Day #NationalDonutDay

June 8: World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay

June 13: International Children’s Day #ChildrensDay

June 14: World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood

June 14: National Flag Day #FlagDay

June 19: Juneteenth (Freedom Day) #Juneteenth

June 20: First Day of Summer

June 20: Father’s Day #FathersDay

June 21: National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay

June 21: International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay

June 22 – National HVAC Tech Day

June 25: Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay


Content Ideas for July 2022

Time to Mix it Up: Here’s your chance to add some video or photo compilations to your blog content. It’s summer, it’s time to be casual, live in your sandals and track a little sand in the house. So give your readers a little something different. Ready to
accept the challenge? Of course you are!

Send in the Summer Reinforcements: The season is in full swing and everyone is searching for ways to add more fun to the summer. From daytime activities to keep kids at home entertained, to stay-cations and Fourth of July fun, your audience is most likely ready for an
infusion of ideas that you can help supply.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for July 2022

July 4: Independence Day (United States)

July 7: World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay

July 11: Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay

July 12: Malala Day #MalalaDay

July 15: Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay


Content Ideas for August 2022

It’s Almost Fall Y’all!: We’re over the heat and the sun and are beginning to look forward to the cooler temps and holidays that fall and winter bring. Make the most of this with inspo for fall. Home tips for winterizing or crafty ways to go all out for Halloween, it’s time to start thinking back-to-school and away from the beach.

Think Inside the House: Temps are rising and our vacation energy is dwindling a bit. It’s time to start planning home improvements before the holidays, prepping for the school year ahead and getting in some much needed home-time R&R. Constant travel and activity is making way for good reads, self care, de-cluttering and holiday planning.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for August 2022

August 8: International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay

August 9: National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay

August 13: International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay

August 15: National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay

August 26: National Dog Day #NationalDogDay

August 26: National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay


Content Ideas for September 2022

Who Doesn’t Love Fall?: It’s the time of new beginnings, new school semesters, heading off to college, new fashion trends and stocking away those summer clothes for flannels, plaids and all things warm and cozy. From home to food trends, fall is all about what’s new and
exciting. And that’s just what you’re going to write about.

Enjoying Home Again: After lots of travel and time spent outdoors, we’re nestling back into baking, cooking, home remodel and decorating. It’s a time of grounding and settling in, reassessing and rejuvenating. This can be everything from taking a look at expenses
and budgeting better to making meal prep a new part of a healthy lifestyle. Give your audience plenty of information to adopt new, improved habits based on your area of expertise.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for September 2022

September 4: National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay

September 5: International Day of Charity #CharityDay

September 6: Labor Day #LaborDay

September 6: Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay

September 8: International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay

September 10: Stand Up To Cancer Day #KissCancerGoodbye

September 11: National Day of Service and Remembrance #911Day

September 12: National Grandparents Day #NationalGrandparentsDay

September 15 – October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month #hispanicheritagemonth

September 16 – National Tradesmen Day

September 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day #TalkLikeAPirateDay

September 21: International Day of Peace #PeaceDay

September 22: First Day of Fall

September 25: Rosh Hashanah (new year)

September 26: National Pancake Day #NationalPancakeDay

September 27: World Tourism Day #WTD2022

September 28: National Good Neighbor Day #GoodNeighborDay

September 29: National Women’s Health and Fitness Day #FitnessDay


Content Ideas for October 2022

Um, Hello? Halloween!: Why does everyone seem to love Halloween so much? Maybe it’s because scary movies, candy, cider and pumpkin patches are what this holiday is all about. No pressure to host big dinners or buy lots of gifts. Readers love to read and get advice for Halloween. How can your brand take this tried and true holiday and make it your own?

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like the Holidays!: Get a jump on gift guides and holiday happenings. Why not? You know the retail store shelves are already doing it.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for October 2022

October 1: International Day of Older Persons #UNDOP

October 1: International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay

October 1: World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay

October 3 – World Architecture Day

October 4: National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay

October 4: Yom Kippur

October 5: World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay

October 9 – Fire Prevention Day

October 10: World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay

October 11: International Day of the Girl #DayOfTheGirl

October 14: National Dessert Day #DessertDay

October 16: World Food Day #FoodDay

October 16: Bosses Day #BossesDay

October 24: Diwali

October 25: Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay

October 30: Checklist Day #ChecklistDay

October 31: Halloween #Halloween


Content Ideas for November 2022

What Are You Thankful For?: Thanksgiving is awesome because it’s about gratitude and that’s a good thing. So let’s get deep and discuss all the good stuff, think wholesome posts that warm the readers heart. You know you have it in you. When in doubt, look around, count
your blessings and write it all down. There’s a lot you can remind your audience to not take for granted.

November is All About the Foods: Doesn’t it seem everyone wants to swap holiday recipes in the lead up to Thanksgiving. From fall cocktails to hearty casseroles, there’s plenty of ways to approach this topic.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for November 2022

November 1: World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay

November 3: National Sandwich Day #NationalSandwichDay

November 4: National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay

November 6: Daylight Saving Time Ends #DaylightSavings

November 8: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) Day #STEMDay

November 11: Veterans Day #VeteransDay

November 13: World Kindness Day #WKD

November 14: World Diabetes Day #WDD

November 15: America Recycles Day #BeRecycled

November 19: International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay

November 25: Thanksgiving Day #Thanksgiving

November 26: National Cake Day #NationalCakeDay

November 27: Small Business Saturday (The last Saturday of November) #ShopSmall


Content Ideas for December 2022

Winter is In the Air: You know all about those holiday posts you can make, but how about some general winter time advice. From cars getting stuck to shoveling skills, there’s plenty to talk about when readers are getting inundated with holiday tips and tricks.

Look back and recap: Now is the perfect time to give your readers a recap of what your brand has accomplished over the last twelve months. It’s also fun to recap your favorite moments from everything in pop culture or your specific industry niche.

Holidays and Observance Inspo for December 2022

December 3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD

December 4: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay

December 18: Chanukah first day

December 21: First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice

December 24: Christmas Eve

December 25: Christmas Day

December 31: New Year’s Eve






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